Source code for pypros.pros

'''Functions to calculate the precipitation type.
For a point or numpy arrays
import numpy as np
import gdal
import osr
from pypros.psychrometrics import ttd2tw
from pypros.psychrometrics import get_tw_sadeghi
from pypros.ros_methods import calculate_koistinen_saltikoff
from pypros.ros_methods import calculate_single_threshold
from pypros.ros_methods import calculate_linear_transition
from pypros.ros_methods import calculate_dual_threshold

[docs]class PyPros: """ Main project class. Discriminates precipitation type considering different methodologies using surface observations. """
[docs] def __init__(self, variables_file, method='ks', threshold=None, data_format=None): """ Args: variables_file (str, list): The file paths containing air temperature, dew point temperature and (digital elevation model) fields. method (str): The precipitation type discrimination method to use. Defaults to ks. Available: - ks : Koistinen and Saltikoff method - single_tw: A single wet bulb temperature threshold - single_ta: A single air temperature threshold - dual_tw : A dual wet bulb temperature thresholds - dual_ta : A dual air temperature threshold - linear_tr: Linear transition between rain and snow threshold (float, list): Threshold value(s) to use in the different methods available. Defaults to: - static_tw: 1.5 - static_ta: 0.0 - linear_tr: [0, 3] data_format (dict, optional): Defaults to None. The order of the variables in the variables files. Defaults to: {'vars_files': ['tair', 'tdew', 'dem']} Raises: ValueError: Raised when the method is not valid """ if data_format is None: self.data_format = {'vars_files': ['tair', 'tdew', 'dem']} else: self.data_format = data_format if threshold is None: if method == 'static_ta': self.threshold = 0 elif method == 'static_tw': self.threshold = 1.5 elif method == 'linear_tr' or method == 'dual_ta': self.threshold = [0, 3] elif method == 'dual_tw': self.threshold = [0.7, 1.0] elif method == 'ks': None else: raise ValueError('Non valid method. Valid values are ks and ' + 'static_tw, static_ta and linear_tr') else: if method == 'single_ta' or method == 'single_tw': if not type(threshold) == float: raise ValueError('The threshold for the method {} must ' + 'be a float'.format(method)) elif (method == 'linear_tr' or method == 'dual_ta' or method == 'dual_tw'): if (not (type(threshold) == list or type(threshold) == tuple) or len(threshold) != 2): raise ValueError('The thresholds for the method {} must ' + 'be a list/tuple of length ' + 'two'.format(method)) elif method == 'ks': None else: raise ValueError('Non valid method. Valid values are ks and ' + 'single_tw, single_ta and linear_tr') self.threshold = threshold self.__read_variables_files__(variables_file) self.method = method tair = self.variables[self.data_format['vars_files'].index('tair')] tdew = self.variables[self.data_format['vars_files'].index('tdew')] if method == 'ks': self.result = calculate_koistinen_saltikoff(tair, tdew) elif method == 'single_tw' or method == 'dual_tw': try: dem = self.variables[ self.data_format['vars_files'].index('dem')] except ValueError: print('Since no DEM is supplied, wet bulb temperature ' + 'calculations will assume a constant pressure of ' + '1013.25 hPa.') twet = ttd2tw(tair, tdew) else: twet = get_tw_sadeghi(tair, tdew, dem) if method == 'single_tw': self.result = calculate_single_threshold(twet, self.threshold) elif method == 'dual_tw': self.result = calculate_dual_threshold(twet, self.threshold[0], self.threshold[1]) elif method == 'single_ta': self.result = calculate_single_threshold(tair, self.threshold) elif method == 'linear_tr': self.result = calculate_linear_transition(tair, self.threshold[0], self.threshold[1]) elif method == 'dual_ta': self.result = calculate_dual_threshold(tair, self.threshold[0], self.threshold[1])
def __read_variables_files__(self, variables_file): if isinstance(variables_file, (list,)): self.variables = None for layer_file in variables_file: d_s = gdal.Open(layer_file) if d_s is None: raise FileNotFoundError("[Errno 2] No such file or " + "directory: 'BadFile'") for i in range(d_s.RasterCount): layer_data = d_s.GetRasterBand(i + 1)\ .ReadAsArray()[np.newaxis, :, :] if self.variables is None: self.variables = layer_data else: try: self.variables = np.concatenate((self.variables, layer_data), axis=0) except Exception: raise ValueError('Variables fields must have the' + ' same shape.') else: d_s = gdal.Open(variables_file) self.variables = d_s.ReadAsArray() self.out_proj = osr.SpatialReference() self.out_proj.ImportFromWkt(d_s.GetProjection()) self.size = (d_s.RasterYSize, d_s.RasterXSize) self.geotransform = d_s.GetGeoTransform() d_s = None
[docs] def save_file(self, field, file_name): """Saves the calculate field data into a file Args: file_name (str): The output file path """ driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') d_s = driver.Create(file_name, self.size[1], self.size[0], 1, gdal.GDT_Float32) d_s.SetGeoTransform(self.geotransform) d_s.SetProjection(self.out_proj.ExportToWkt()) d_s.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(field)
[docs] def refl_mask(self, refl): """Calculates the precipitation type masked. The output classification is as follows: rain - 1dBZ : 1 - 5dBZ: 2 - 10dBZ : 3 - 15dBZ: 4 - 25dBZ : 5 sleet - 1dBZ: 6 - 5dBZ : 7 - 10dBZ: 8 - 15dBZ : 9 - 25dBZ: 10 snow - 1dBZ : 11 - 5dBZ: 12 - 10dBZ : 13 - 15dBZ: 14 - 25dbZ: 15 Args: refl (numpy.array): Array with reflectivity values Raises: IndexError: Raised if the types don't match in size or type Returns: float, numpy array: The precipitation type classification value """ if self.result.shape != refl.shape: raise IndexError('Variables fields must have the' + ' same shape.') refl_bins = np.array([1, 5, 10, 15, 25]) refl_class = np.digitize(refl, refl_bins) if self.method == 'ks' or self.method == 'linear_tr': prob_bins = np.array([0.0, 0.3, 0.7]) ks_class = np.digitize(self.result, prob_bins) - 1 pros = (refl_class + ks_class * 5) * (refl >= 1) elif self.method == 'single_tw' or self.method == 'single_ta': rain = np.digitize(self.result, np.array([1])) pros = (refl_class + rain * 10) * (refl >= 1) elif self.method == 'dual_tw' or self.method == 'dual_ta': prob_bins = np.array([0.0, 0.5, 1]) dual_class = np.digitize(self.result, prob_bins) - 1 pros = (refl_class + dual_class * 5) * (refl >= 1) return pros